What Would Be Possible For You If You Really Believed?

If you really believed in your dreams...
that what you wanted most in life was possible,
that you had everything you needed within you to achieve it already,
that you were supported and loved immensely and would continue to be even if you made a mistake,
that you were deserving of nothing but the goodness of life...
What would change in your life? What could you achieve?
Would you move through the day-to-day activities differently?
Would your life look different in some way?
Would you take more risks and trust and follow your intuition more?
Would you put more solid action behind what you say you want?
Would you stop trying to be perfect and put more focus on learning and growing?
Would you stop settling for simply saying "YES" to life while your actions scream "NO!"?
Would you enjoy and savor the journey more?
Worry less? Take better care of yourself?
Give yourself permission to honor and follow your passions and deeply held desires more?
If so, then what's required for you to believe?
What do you need more of or less of?
What needs to change within you to help you step into the power of believing...the magic of living fully?
Your Turn Now: I'd love to hear from you! What do you need more or less of in order for you to really believe in what you want for your life? Leave your comments below.
© Pursue Your Passion, LLC
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Life Passion and Fulfillment Coach, Pam Smith guides and supports professionals and entrepreneurs in stepping out of their way and into the passions, goals, and life fulfillment they so deeply desire! Get her FREE CD, "What To Do When You're Stuck & Unfulfilled: Discover the Top 3 Ways to Finally Start Doing What You Love!" at www.pursueyourpassionnow.com.