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The Power of Just Saying YES!

When it comes to creating deep lasting fulfillment in your life, saying a simple three-letter word (consciously and unconsciously) can make the difference between actually living it and really experiencing the level of fulfillment you crave and simply dreaming it, keeping it as this far-off thing that's out of your reach.

That three-letter word is "Yes". YES to your deepest desires, YES to your vision for your life, YES to your dreams, YES to the goals you want to achieve, YES to your passions, YES to the balance you crave, YES to that fulfilling career, YES.... Before you know the HOW. Before you figure it all out. Before you create the spreadsheet and action steps and mitigate all the risks... Just say YES to what you want to create before anything else.

Now, hang in here with me, because I can hear you saying, "I can't just say YES without knowing how everything's going to work out." "I'm not going to set myself up for failure." "I need to KNOW!" So hang tight (let's breathe) and let me tell you what YES, right out of the box can do for you and how you can set yourself up for failure without it.

How often do you get an idea or vision about your life or something you desire for your life that would make it better, easier, more fulfilling and you push it away? You reason it away assuming it's not possible, logical, realistic, suitable, acceptable, on and on. How often do you drop it because you can't figure out how it could possibly work? You want to see the pathway immediately, before you say YES to it. You stop yourself from giving it a chance to blossom or really take root. You never give it permission to be, never give it a chance.

Saying YES as a first step, without having all the answers, energetically invites what you want in. It gives it permission to blossom and really take root within you. Saying YES in the deepest part of you opens the universal flow for the answers to come. In addition, you give yourself permission to allow it in and to open up to the possibilities. You open the doorway for exploration, discovery, and receiving of the answers (e.g., the HOW's, the plan, the pathway) that are uniquely designed for you.

When you stand stuck in trying to figure it all out before saying YES to it, you never give it permission to grow and develop. All the mental TRYING to figure it out takes you out of possibilities and keeps you locked in your box. It closes the door, limiting the flow of fresh ideas and new energy.

With saying YES first, the answers tend to surface in various ways including intuitive guidance that subtly comes to you, inner nudges to do or view things differently, and outside help or resources that may come into your awareness. The key is to listen and pay attention and then be willing to take the actions you're guided or inspired to take.

Leave the struggling, resisting, and trying behind for a while and start creating the level of fulfillment you crave by saying YES first.

Your Turn Now: I’d love to hear from you! What are you ready to say YES to? Leave your comments below.

© Pursue Your Passion, LLC

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Life Passion Coach, Pam Smith, supports professionals and entrepreneurs in stepping out of their way and into the passions, goals, and life fulfillment they so deeply desire! Get her FREE CD, "What To Do When You're Stuck & Unfulfilled: Discover the Top 3 Ways to Finally Start Doing What You Love!" at

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