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What Now?

I don’t think any of us could’ve ever fathomed the turns, shifts, and more turns we’ve experienced and witnessed in our world over the past few years. And this trend continues to unfold. Everything from gutt wrenching heartache to incredibly unbelievable miracles of hope and love. Old structures and paradigms seem to be dismantling…crumbling in front of our eyes, while new thought forms and ways of being and moving are being birthed.

With all of this as the backdrop of our world, and we begin to begin again, I wonder…. What Now?

How do you move forward? Do you simply pick up with the ways of being and doing that you’ve always held on to? Those tested, tried and true behaviors that got you results in the past? Or are you feeling the need to shift…to change? Do you jump back into working 10-12-15 hour days, over-giving to everyone around you, over-functioning, pushing yourself to the limit because you’re strong and that’s what you do? Or do you value your time differently, value yourself differently, prioritize your self-care, protect your energy, and prioritize what YOU want? Do you jump back into the hustle & bustle to make things happen or are you sensing energetically that the old push mentality and way of being no longer serves you?

We’ve been forced to review, revisit, and reset our ways of being and doing. We have a unique opportunity to create our lives in new and refreshing ways and reconnect to who we are and what we really value in life.

For me, when I ask myself, “What Now?”, what resonates deeply is creating life from the inside out instead of the other way around (so letting go of that push mentality). Letting my inner light be the guide and not the conditioning of what and how I’m supposed to be and live. And trusting that in my uniqueness are my gifts.

What about you?

What Now?

© Pursue Your Passion, LLC

Pam Smith is a certified life coach, business consultant, and professional actress. She supports professionals and entrepreneurs in trusting and honoring their deepest desires and passions to finally begin creating a live they love.

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