Why Are You Trying To Do It Without Me?
"Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will
accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action,
and all the blessings of life." - Joseph Murphy

Okay, so, if you use the word “busy” a lot in describing yourself or what you’re doing, it’s pretty easy to lose sight of who’s really driving… Driving your actions… Driving your busyness. Is it really serving you? Is all the busyness really needed?
Well, what if your Divine Creator, your Higher Self (whatever that is for you) sent you a message to help you regain focus on what’s really needed… to help you remember.
Would you be willing to change anything?
Let’s take a moment... Take a couple of deep breaths…
Good… Now, let’s do one more… deep breath in… and out…
Now, imagine that you’re sitting at your desk or table with your mail (you just came in from the mailbox) or if paper mail isn’t your thing, you’re at your emailbox and you have several new emails. But one letter, one email stands out. You feel weirdly drawn to open it over all the others. You open it and start reading…
You do know that there’s no extra credit for reaching your goals or pursuing your passions on your own, without me…Right? There’s no special acknowledgment or crowns given for doing that. So, what is it that drives you to take full ownership of making your dreams happen on your own, while dismissing a large portion of the guidance I provide you. You seem to only want to do the things that you think have a direct connection to your desired outcome. Anything that you don’t immediately understand or don’t see how it can get you “there”, you step over, ignore, or procrastinate on. Even if I bring it to your attention numerous times. And yet you are consumed with trying to figure it all out on your own. The How. How to get from where you are to where you want to be. Your mind is full. Searching. Trying. Pushing. All while I’m right here. And Yes, I hear your prayers, but you don’t fully receive my guidance so…this is where we are. THIS is where you are.
What If you opened up your perspective a bit and was willing to see and accept that those desires of your heart were not put there by you. They were very purposefully placed there, in your heart, by ME. This wasn’t a mistake or a flippant act when I was bored. No, I purposefully placed them there in you for you and for others who share the Earth journey with you. And in placing them in you, I knew and know the path, your path to reach them, achieve them, become them, live them, birth them. Your unique path.
But you have acted as if you created the desires all on your own and that you have to hunker down, hustle, and figure out the path. Any path. And you oftentimes make it quite uncomfortable for yourself. But know this, my child, you don’t have to do it that way. I’m right here with you. Guiding you every step of the way and all you have to do is listen, trust me, and follow through on the guidance I provide you. You don’t have to feel so alone. Listen, trust, and follow-through. Let me in. No awards for doing it without me. All the rewards when doing it with me. I’m right here.
Loving you more than you can ever know.
Your Divine Creator.
Are you willing to change anything?
© Pursue Your Passion, LLC

Pam Smith is a certified life coach, business consultant, and professional actress. She supports professionals and entrepreneurs in trusting and honoring their deepest desires and passions to finally begin creating a life they love. www.pursueyourpassionnow.com.